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(from the Latin ars, artis, way of being or acting, conduct, skill, science, talent, craft)

Human activity linked to manifestations of an esthetic or communicative order, carried out through a wide variety of languages.


(from the Latin artificium, art, profession and technical knowledge, skill)


Fullness or sublimity with which anything is done, efficiency, skill, technical mastery. 


(from the Latin officium, to perform a work or task).

Activity that is performed by someone and that requires some degree of specialization, originates from the Latin word officium, which is associated with opifex - a term that comes from opus, which means "work" and fex, a suffix that is linked to the verb to do.




From the similarities between the definitions of the words ARTE, ARTIFÍCIO and ARTIFÍCIO came the designation “ART'IFICIOS ”.

Considering that art is “the expression of the soul” and does not always have the recognition it deserves, the Art'ificios Project was born to disseminate and promote all forms of art… from painting to sculpture, from weaving to basketwork, from photography to literature, from jewelry to ceramics, from pottery to embroidery…. From the most traditional to the most modern…

Thus, this page intends to be a space in which artists and artisans can make themselves known and exhibit their creations… from the most conventional to the most unusual…

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